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English-Hindi > black peppermint

black peppermint meaning in Hindi

black peppermint sentence in Hindi

काला पिपरमिंट
black    काला कपड़ा काली
peppermint    पिपरमिंट पोदीने
1.Several of those woods, including Huon Pine, Celery Top, and Black Peppermint, are indigenous.

2.Forested areas of the park are dominated by  brown-top stringybark ( Eucalyptus obliqua ), white-top stringybark ( E . delegatensis ), swamp gum ( E . regnans ), black gum E . ( ovata ), white gum ( E . viminalis ), black peppermint ( E . amygdalina ) and silver wattle ( Acacia dealbata ) , while the underbrush of the forests is mainly shrubby.

How to say black peppermint in Hindi and what is the meaning of black peppermint in Hindi? black peppermint Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.